Write a switch case driven Assembly Language Program (ALP) to perform 64-bit hexadecimal arithmetic operations (+,-,*, /) using suitable macros. Define procedure for each operation.

32 Bit Code              64 Bit Code

  • 32 Bit NASM Code
%macro scall 4
        mov eax,%1
        mov ebx,%2
        mov ecx,%3
        mov edx,%4
        int 80h

section .data
        arr dq 0000003h,00000002h
        n equ 2

        menu db 10d,13d,"**********MENU**********"
             db 10d,13d,"1. Addition"
             db 10d,13d,"2. Subtraction"
             db 10d,13d,"3. Multiplication"
             db 10d,13d,"4. Division"
             db 10d,13d,"5. Exit"
             db 10d,13d,"Enter your Choice: "
        menu_len equ $-menu

        m1 db 10d,13d,"Addition: "
        l1 equ $-m1
        m2 db 10d,13d,"Substraction: "
        l2 equ $-m2
        m3 db 10d,13d,"Multiplication: "
        l3 equ $-m3
        m4 db 10d,13d,"Division: "
        l4 equ $-m4
section .bss
        answer resb 8		;to store the result of operation
        choice resb 2

section .text
        global _start:

        up: 	scall 4,1,menu,menu_len
	        scall 3,0,choice,2	
        cmp byte[choice],'1'
        je case1
        cmp byte[choice],'2'
        je case2
        cmp byte[choice],'3'
        je case3
        cmp byte[choice],'4'
        je case4
        cmp byte[choice],'5'
        je case5

        case1:	scall 4,1,m1,l1
                call addition
                jmp up	
        case2: 	scall 4,1,m2,l2
	        call substraction
	        jmp up

        case3:	scall 4,1,m3,l3
	        call multiplication
	        jmp up

        case4:	scall 4,1,m4,l4
	        call division
	        jmp up
        case5:  mov eax,1
	        mov ebx,0
                int 80h	
;procedures for arithmetic and logical operations	
        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up1:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        add eax,ebx
        loop up1	
        call display
        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up2:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        sub eax,ebx
        loop up2	
        call display	
        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up3:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        mul ebx
        loop up3	
        call display

        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up4:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        mov edx,0
        div ebx
        loop up4	
        call display

        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up6:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        or eax,ebx
        loop up6	
        call display

        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up7:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        xor eax,ebx
        loop up7	
        call display

        mov ecx,n
        dec ecx	
        mov esi,arr
        mov eax,[esi]
up8:    add esi,8
        mov ebx,[esi]
        and eax,ebx
        loop up8
        call display

        mov esi,answer+7
        mov ecx,8

cnt:    mov edx,0
        mov ebx,16
        div ebx
        cmp dl,09h
        jbe add30
        add dl,07h
add30:  add dl,30h
        mov [esi],dl
        dec esi
        dec ecx
        jnz cnt
        scall 4,1,answer,8

  • 64 Bit NASM Code
%macro scall 4
        mov rax,%1
        mov rdi,%2
        mov rsi,%3
        mov rdx,%4

section .data
        arr dq 000000000000003h,0000000000000002h
        n equ 2

        menu db 10d,13d,"**********MENU**********"
             db 10d,13d,"1. Addition"
             db 10d,13d,"2. Subtraction"
             db 10d,13d,"3. Multiplication"
             db 10d,13d,"4. Division"
             db 10d,13d,"5. Exit"
             db 10d,13d,"Enter your Choice: "
        menu_len equ $-menu

        m1 db 10d,13d,"Addition: "
        l1 equ $-m1
        m2 db 10d,13d,"Substraction: "
        l2 equ $-m2
        m3 db 10d,13d,"Multiplication: "
        l3 equ $-m3
        m4 db 10d,13d,"Division: "
        l4 equ $-m4
section .bss
        answer resb 16		;to store the result of operation
        choice resb 2

section .text
        global _start:

        up: 	scall 1,1,menu,menu_len
	        scall 0,0,choice,2	
        cmp byte[choice],'1'
        je case1
        cmp byte[choice],'2'
        je case2
        cmp byte[choice],'3'
        je case3
        cmp byte[choice],'4'
        je case4
        cmp byte[choice],'5'
        je case5

        case1:	scall 1,1,m1,l1
                call addition
                jmp up	
        case2: 	scall 1,1,m2,l2
	        call substraction
	        jmp up

        case3:	scall 1,1,m3,l3
	        call multiplication
	        jmp up

        case4:	scall 1,1,m4,l4
	        call division
	        jmp up
        case5:  mov rax,60
	        mov rdi,0
;procedures for arithmetic and logical operations	
        mov rcx,n
        dec rcx	
        mov rsi,arr
        mov rax,[rsi]
up1:    add rsi,8
        mov rbx,[rsi]
        add rax,rbx
        loop up1	
        call display
        mov rcx,n
        dec rcx	
        mov rsi,arr
        mov rax,[rsi]
up2:    add rsi,8
        mov rbx,[rsi]
        sub rax,rbx
        loop up2	
        call display	
        mov rcx,n
        dec rcx	
        mov rsi,arr
        mov rax,[rsi]
up3:    add rsi,8
        mov rbx,[rsi]
        mul rbx
        loop up3	
        call display

        mov rcx,n
        dec rcx
        mov rsi,arr
        mov rax,[rsi]
up4:    add rsi,8
        mov rbx,[rsi]
        mov rdx,0
        div rbx
        loop up4	
        call display

        mov rcx,n
        dec rcx	
        mov rsi,arr
        mov rax,[rsi]
up6:    add rsi,8
        mov rbx,[rsi]
        or rax,rbx
        loop up6	
        call display

        mov rcx,n
        dec rcx	
        mov rsi,arr
        mov rax,[rsi]
up7:    add rsi,8
        mov rbx,[rsi]
        xor rax,rbx
        loop up7	
        call display

        mov rcx,n
        dec rcx	
        mov rsi,arr
        mov rax,[rsi]
up8:    add rsi,8
        mov rbx,[rsi]
        and rax,rbx
        loop up8
        call display

        mov rsi,answer+15
        mov rcx,16

cnt:    mov rdx,0
        mov rbx,16
        div rbx
        cmp dl,09h
        jbe add30
        add dl,07h
add30:  add dl,30h
        mov [rsi],dl
        dec rsi
        dec rcx
        jnz cnt
        scall 1,1,answer,16

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