Write Assembly Language Program (ALP) to perform string manipulation,accept string from user, write far procedures to perform Concatenation of two strings, Number of occurrences of a sub-string in the given string.

Write 8086 ALP to perform string manipulation. The strings to be accepted from the user is to be stored in data segment of program_l and write FAR PROCEDURES in code segment program_2 for following operations on the string: (a) Concatenation of two strings (b) Number of occurrences of a sub-string in the given string. Use PUBLIC and EXTERN directive. Create .OBJ files of both the modules and … Continue reading Write Assembly Language Program (ALP) to perform string manipulation,accept string from user, write far procedures to perform Concatenation of two strings, Number of occurrences of a sub-string in the given string.

Write Assembly Language Program (ALP) for the various string operations, to calculate length of the string,reverse the string,check whether the string is palindrome.

Write X86/64 ALP for the following operations on the string entered by the user. (use of 64-bit registers is expected). a) Calculate Length of the string   b) Reverse the string   c) Check whether the string is palindrome. OR Make your program user friendly by providing MENU like: (a) Enter the string   b) Calculate length of string   c) Reverse string   d) Check palindrome   … Continue reading Write Assembly Language Program (ALP) for the various string operations, to calculate length of the string,reverse the string,check whether the string is palindrome.

C++ Program for Book-Shop

Problem Statement: A book shop maintains the inventory of books that are being sold at the shop. The list includes details such as author, title, price, publisher and stock position. Whenever a customer wants a book, the sales person inputs the title and author and the system searches the list and displays whether it is available or not. If it is not, an appropriate message … Continue reading C++ Program for Book-Shop

Write Assembly Language Program (ALP) to convert 4-digit Hex number into its equivalent BCD number and 5-digit BCD number into its equivalent HEX number.

Write 16/64 bit ALP to convert 4-digit Hex number into its equivalent BCD number and 5-digit BCD number into its equivalent HEX number. Make your program user friendly to accept the choice from user for: (a) HEX to BCD   (b) BCD to HEX   (c) EXIT. Display proper strings to prompt the user while accepting the input and displaying the result. (use of 64-bit registers is … Continue reading Write Assembly Language Program (ALP) to convert 4-digit Hex number into its equivalent BCD number and 5-digit BCD number into its equivalent HEX number.

Compiling and Linking GIMP Toolkit ( GTK+) with C / C++ project

What is GTK+? GTK+, or the GIMP Toolkit, is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces. Offering a complete set of widgets, GTK+ is suitable for projects ranging from small one-off tools to complete application suites.   Compilation Steps: Execution: a.out is the default output file name for gcc. You can change it by providing another name by using “-o” attribute with compilation step. Continue reading Compiling and Linking GIMP Toolkit ( GTK+) with C / C++ project

DDA Line Algorithm using GIMP Toolkit ( GTK+)

/* GTK Code for DDA Line Algorithm */ #include<stdio.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> /****** For Window Size of 512 X 512 ********/ #define IMAGE_WIDTH 512 #define IMAGE_HEIGHT 512 /**** Global variables for defining RGB color; Default WHITE= (R=255, G= 255, B= 255)******/ int R=255, G=255, B=255; guchar rgbbuf[IMAGE_WIDTH * IMAGE_HEIGHT * 3]; gboolean on_darea_expose (GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventExpose *event, gpointer user_data) { gdk_draw_rgb_image (widget->window, … Continue reading DDA Line Algorithm using GIMP Toolkit ( GTK+)

Write Assembly language program (ALP) to print Capital Alphabets (A-Z).

16 Bit Code             16 Bit TASM Code .model small .data space db ” $” .code mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov bl,41H mov cx,26 up: mov dl,bl mov ah,02H int 21H lea dx,space mov ah,09H int 21h inc bl loop up mov ah,4CH int 21H end Continue reading Write Assembly language program (ALP) to print Capital Alphabets (A-Z).

Write Assembly language program (ALP) to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.

Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment. 16 Bit Code              64 Bit Code Explanation 16 Bit TASM Code .model small ;memory model .data ;.data begins here menu db 10d,13d,” MENU” db 10d,13d,”1. Non Overlapping (Without String Instructions) ” db 10d,13d,”2. Overlapping (Without String Instructions)” … Continue reading Write Assembly language program (ALP) to perform non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer (with and without string specific instructions). Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.

Write a switch case driven Assembly Language Program (ALP) to perform 64-bit hexadecimal arithmetic operations (+,-,*, /) using suitable macros. Define procedure for each operation.

32 Bit Code              64 Bit Code 32 Bit NASM Code %macro scall 4         mov eax,%1         mov ebx,%2         mov ecx,%3         mov edx,%4         int 80h %endmacro section .data arr dq 0000003h,00000002h n equ 2 menu db 10d,13d,”**********MENU**********” db 10d,13d,”1. Addition” db 10d,13d,”2. Subtraction” db 10d,13d,”3. Multiplication” db 10d,13d,”4. Division” db 10d,13d,”5. Exit” db 10d,13d,”Enter your Choice: ” menu_len equ $-menu m1 db 10d,13d,”Addition: ” … Continue reading Write a switch case driven Assembly Language Program (ALP) to perform 64-bit hexadecimal arithmetic operations (+,-,*, /) using suitable macros. Define procedure for each operation.

Write an Assembly Language Program (ALP) to find the largest of given byte / Word / Double-word / 64-bit numbers.

32 Bit Code (Byte)             32 Bit Code (Double Word)             64 Bit Code (Quad Word) 32 Bit NASM Code for Byte %macro scall 4 ;macro declaration with 4 parameters         mov eax,%1 ;1st parameter has been moved to eax         mov ebx,%2 ;2nd parameter has been moved to ebx         mov ecx,%3 ;3rd parameter has been moved to ecx … Continue reading Write an Assembly Language Program (ALP) to find the largest of given byte / Word / Double-word / 64-bit numbers.